Today. Was just one of those days from the moment my feet hit the floor.
I was merely to take a half day from work and go finish legally changing my name at the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles), the SSA (Social Security of America) and the FSCU (First South Credit Union).
Seemed pretty simple. 3 places, a couple hours...back to work.
Ch'yeah. Riiiiiiiiiight.
Took us longer than expected to leave the house. I thought I had all the necessary documents, buuuuuuuut if course. I didn't. Aaaaaaaaaaaanf of course. We didn't realize this until we were about to walk out the door.
Things were going fine, for the most part, to begin with. We zoomed through the SSA. The little fellow that helped us seemed like he needed a vital dose of Early Seasons Greetings though lol, but other than that, not very eventful.
We weren't so lucky at the DMV however. Ugh. Pretty sure that the people working at the DMV are rejected elves or elves that have been fired from the workshop. Halfway through the most excruciating part (sitting in those chairs waiting, hoping, praying to hear your number called and then praying and hoping that it wasn't the voices in your head playing tricks on you), a man came in with his little girl. She was probably about 3 years old. As he sat down to start filing out the small autobiography they ask you to write about yourself, she began to amuse herself by walking wobbly around in a circle following the small shoe prints they had stuck to the floor.
By this point, I needed to call work and tell them I may not be back by noon but I would be there as soon as I got done. When I came back in from making the call, the little girl was still following the shoes.
She did this for about 5 more minutes...and then kept on doing it lol. About half way through, she began singing. Loudly and jibberishly. Her dad looked around and said with a sheepish grin, "Yeah, sorry." Few people chuckled and said, "It's alright!" After about 5 more minutes of the dizziness and singing her dad glanced up from his autobiography and chuckled. The man sitting next to him said, "Easily amused". Without looking up from his clipboard the man replied, "Wish I could be so easily amused" and just kept on writing!
Tyler and I looked at each other and I couldn't help but laugh out loud.
Once the sun rose and the workers changed back into number was FINALLY called!!! Glory be! lol Many moons later, we were seen leaving the DMV! Me with my new liscence reading "Ashlie G Ingram" in one hand, and Tyler's hand in the other :-) We decided to grab some lunch. It was nice to be out in the middle of the day with my sweetie :-) Just we two. Perkins was pretty dead inside, so it was nice and calm. We sat and very much enjoyed the quite and peaceful atmosphere.
Heading back towards work, we then stopped at the bank. Once again, all was smooth. Our teller was a leettle bit cOO cOO and a leettle not all there, but very helpful!
About 10 minutes after leaving the bank as we were passing through a stop light we heard a "thunk" noise. Neither one of us had seen anything in the road. I though to myself when I heard the noise, "O boy, I hope whatever that wasn't didn't just pop his tire". 10 seconds later we heard a loud hissing noise. "Wha...??" I rolled down my window and stuck my head out. Yup. FLAT tire lol Tyler pulled into the BP and we both got out. So 10 minutes. 10 minutes! 10 minutes after my name has been legally changed in all ways and...bam!! First flat tire of our Been-completely-legal-name-change Ashlie-is-now-Ingram-by-government-paper-work marriage!! And it's only been like 10 mins!!! lol hehe love you Tyler!! :D
The tire was flat and Tyler had everything we needed to change the tire! Except the tool he needed to lower the spare tire to the ground from under his car lol. Soooo...we had to call my daddy and have him come help us. Sat down in the back of the car and pulled out my cell phone to call my work for the second time to let them know I probably wasn't going to make it back in until carpool time lol. Once my dad arrived, the boys went right to work.
While I was waiting and being of much help to my daddy and my hubby, :-P...I heard a car horn honk and turned around...
It was my buddy Chad! Haven't seen this kid in ages!! lol Very random. Chatted with him for a few and by the time he drove off....
Dad and Tyler were juuuuust about done changing the tire!!
Yay daddy!
Yay hubby!
Waved by to dad, hopped in the car and set off down the highway to work.
I made it JUST in time for carpool!
wOOhOO :-)
The best part of the whole thing is...
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