I hope that in 2011, I can show more of that with this blog :-P
So. Todays date is January 4th, 2011.
It's been 1 year, 2 months and 25 days that I have been married to you ;-)
And, it has been 7 months and 17 days since I have last updated this blog.
Instead of trying to recap every little thing since then, we are just going to recap 2010. Then, we'll talk about 2011 :-) Sound like a plan?
Then let's hit it.
January 2010
Ringing in the New Year with my Husband at our church's watchnight service :-)
Best way to start 2010! I love watchnight services and I was glad our church was having one to bring in 2010. What better place to start off a new year, and my marriage, then at the feet of Jesus in his house with our Christian family!
1st SNOW DAY!! wOOt!!
We don't get much down here in the south lol. I love it when we get some! So of course, we HAD to go out and play :-P
This was a memorable day! I took this at 4pm in the afternoon. I was sitting on my couch relaxing with my hubby. Why such a big deal? It was my first day in a year and a half to not be working 10+ hours a day lol. Some people may say, "That's nothing! I've been working 10+ hours a day for years!". Well, no harm meant but yay for you! lol But for me, I was ready to be able to take a breather and be able to feel like I was married lol. Be able to spend at least a little time with my hubby. It was nice :-)
Amidst other things in January, we had a baby shower for Jamie and Scott and prepared anxiously for Bonnie to be home with Klara! January was a pretty tuff month for Tyler & I. Tyler worked ALOT. He had 2 jobs, and he was going to school. So he kept SO incredibly busy! Financially, God has always blessed. It was ruff, but we always had our bills paid and food to eat. Can't ask for more than that!
February 2010
Klara Noell Vonbuskirk came to us on Feb. 4th ♥
And Reese Marilee Chandler came to us on Feb. 15th ♥
Even though we weren't able to be there and see Bonnie & Klara in the hospital, the Lord orchestrated it all for the best, HIS best, and everything worked out :-)
Reese was a challenge lol. After a tuff pregnancy and a long labor, she rolled on out a puffy, pinkish-redish roll!! :-D Love Love Love!!
And so, I think it's safe to say that February was MOSTLY...BABY BABY BABY! lol :-P
Being an Aunt is one of the best things! Can we say BABY FEVER :-D Oh yes. It funny because Reese was a rollie pollie when she was born and Klara was SO. Teenie. Tiny!! Now...the roles are reversed! But we'll get to that soon :-)
One last note for February, was our 1st Valentines Day :-)
My Valentine's gift from Tyler! He does so well with jewlery :-D I ♥ it! It's dainty, feminie and lovely. I'm not a big pink girl, but it's grown on me a bit in te last 2 years. It is nice to have that tiny touch of pink here and there, lol. Thank you sweetie :-)
For Valentines Day we stayed in due to lack of funds lol. It was nice though, we made dinner and cuddled on the couch while watching one of our favorite movies. Quality time with my husband is NEVER overrated!!
February reminded us all, I think, of one of the most important things in life. Family. With the gift of 2 new little ones added to our family, we all feel so blessed! My top priorities in life don't include my job (well, at the moment the lack thereof I guess lol), my status, or the amount in my bank account (BAHAHA! Sorry, if you saw my bank account, you'd laugh with me :-P).
My priorities, are as follows:
1- My Faith, my Lord.
Note: I didn't say my church, my religion or my denomination. I said my FAITH = my LORD.
2- MY husband, Tyler :-)
He IS, and ALWAYS will be, the Single most Important person on this planet to me. End of story. He comes BEFORE, all else. PERIOD.
My Ever After ♥
3- My Family.
Everyone's family is different. Everyone's family has problems.
Everyone's family means something to them in their own personal way.
I feel very blessed to have the family I do.
My Dad isn't just my Daddy, he's my Pastor and my Hero ♥. Not very many people can say that and I know it's a special blessing from the Lord.
My Mom isn't just my Mommy, she's one of my Best Friends and my Go-To for...life! For anything and everything really lol. You know how they say everyone's got a double somewhere?? Well, mine is my Mother :-D
My Brother, isn't just Wesley, he my Wittle Brudder Wesibee :-P And even though he's younger, he's always been my "protector" :-) Aaaaand I'm pretty sure he always will be!
My sister, aren't just "The VB girls", Jamie, Bonnie & Bethanie. They are my Best Friends, For. Life.
People have Always found it so weird how when they ask, "So what are you doing this weekend?", or "What are you doing for summer vacation?"...that my answer usually always includes my sisters. And it's NOT just because we are sisters...we are FRIENDS. We Are each others Best Friends. Don't you like to hang out with your BFF's?? Exactly :-) Another blessing I know that's from the Lord is to have my sisters be my genuine bf's :-)
My priorities are exaclty what the Lord wants for MY life. Everyone's priorities are different. And that's okiedokie! :-) My job (currently the lack thereof lol), IS very important to me, don't get me wrong! I believe that Christians should strive to be the best they can be in whatever avenue God leads you in. Classes and schooling are very important as well. They just aren't what makes my life go 'round and if I had to choose, or should I say, from expierence when I've had to choose, it will always be:
1- My Lord
2- Tyler
3- My Family
Then everything else.
March 2010
Yes. We were STILL finding these plates in March!! hahaha :-P
Plates weren't the only things we were "finding"...
We were finding LOTS of things during March. Joy for one. Who knew how much joy and happiness could come from 2 tiny, little beings?? Has it made US stop and think? lol Yes, we just haven't let it stop and make us think to much about it yet :-P hahaha!
We found ♥
2 of our very good friends celebrated their 1 year anniversary :-)
Micheal and CeCe Swain!
Wonder if they've stopped to think to much yet?? :-P LOL
I found that spoiling, loving, kissing, hugging...and then sending them home (:-P), has been SO MUCH FUN!!! :-) It amazes me how God knows exaclty what we need, exactly when we need it. Little Klara & Reese were such a wonderful "Happy Explosion" lol, it made everything else so do-able. Helped strengthen my trust in the Lord. This was a fun night, our first "Girls Night Out" :-) Didn't last to long, lol, but it helped all of us in alot of ways.
I found myself saying bye again. Em was headed back to El Paso to get ready to welcome her husband home from his tour of duty! This year's happenings have made me very greatful to those who are serving and have served in our military. We definitly live in an ungrateful time and my generation, and most certainly the generations we are raising, are very selfish and have no clue what sacrifice and loyalty to our country means. But, we aren't to worry over the future. God knows. Times will continue to change and our children and their children will grow up in a different America. Thank goodness the Lord never changes. And thank goodness nothing takes him by surprise.
Thank you to the Evans, Turpins, Weinbergs, Geyers, Swains, and anyone else I am forgetting, for their personal connection I have with them and for what they, and their familes, have done for our country. I am very grateful for all of your sacrifices.
March flew by in a whirl of warm weather and diapers lol. Even though there were quite a few stinky ones, it was ok! We had some of those good smelling bags that you put the stinky ones in! Take that! :-P
April 2010
Big Happenings!
My Mom turned 50! We had a surprise Luau themed party for her. The headliner was "Bon Voyage Youth!" lol :-) It was alot of fun and we're pretty sure she was completely surprised :-P
I made my first set of cupcakes for Easter :-P lol These are called "Rabbit Holes". The grass didn't come out the way I wanted, but next time!
Wesley turned 16! Can you believe it?? lol We were going to take him downtown to do some neat stuff, but apparemntly, downtown Memphis just stinks lol. Alot of things were dead and closed down. BUT...we still had fun!
Denise got Engaged!!!...
...and Married!! Aaaahhh!!! :-)
Denise and I go back lol. And I can't believe 10+ years later we are still going strong. To my best friend in the whole world...all I can say is God knew what he was doing!! lol Love you Nise!
April was the month reality started to creep in. Memaw wasn't always able to come to church during these days a whole lot, so when she did, we all soaked it up. I absolutly LOVED this moment and obvisouly, I jumped on it! They both fell asleep sitting on the back pew at church lol.
I was caught in the act :-P lol
When I see this pic, I see Minnie leaning on Don. Papa took care of her with all he had in him, and all his heart. She was a pretty independant lady lol, but it's moments like this when you can see where her strength truly lied. In the heart of her Saviour, and her love. I'm tearing up just typing this lol.
I thank the Lord for technology of cameras :-)
April showed us more of the beginning of life, and it also showed us a glimpse of the ending of life. It was a joyful month full of big happenings and the Lord just kept on blessing!
May 2010
May was when my cupcake fever hit lol.
I made a Bouquet of these for my Mom and my Mother-in-Law for Mother's Day :-)
Mother's Day was very special this year, obviously, for obvious reasons :-)
Imagine, my mom, a grandmother :-P
It was also a bittersweet Mother's Day...
my Dad's last M's Day with his Momma :-)
I think we all knew this was her last. And as always, she was in style. I was very blessed to recieve the hat she is wearing in this picture when she passed. I hope I due it justice Memaw :-)
I also made these Mario cupcakes for Tyler for his birthday :-) I was SO pleased with the way these came out. Too cute huh??
I made these apple cupcakes with a sign that said "Thanks a Bushel" for the teachers at Lausanne as a GREAT BIG THANK YOU for all they did for me during my years working there. I REALLY really miss them all and was so blessed to work some really sweet people.
This was a pic with some of my teachers on my last day.
It was definitly a sad day. I miss them all!
I also made cupcakes for my dad for his birthday,
Spaghetti! My dad's fav dish (no joke!) lol It's all candy and icing!
I also made some for my Father-in-Law for his birthday,
The coal is the cupcakes! Loved it!
We had a Mother-Daughter Luncheon in May also. Was able to take some really sweet pictures of the babies with their Great-Great Grandmother. Special times ♥
Tyler & I were also able to take a short weekend get-away for Memorial Day :-) Went to St. Louis, just the 2 of us. Watched The Wonder Years on the way and tried out my new...
fun time camera! lol
And I must say...it was indeed FUN :-D
The pace of things throught April and May just kept picking up and before we knew it, June was blowing in. Leaving Lausanne was sad, almost 5 years I had been there. I miss it, I miss my co-workers and the kids :-) But, just have to trust the Lord that he knows best!
June 2010
My 25th Birthday was upon me lol. And my sweetie got me this (I actually didn't get it until July, it was a late bday present, but I LOVE it!)...
It's a peacock!! hehehe I am so in ♥!
Nice to see the things I taught the little boogers when they were younger are sticking with them as well :-P
It's the little things!
If you know me or my family, you also know that on June 25th, our Memaw went home to be with Jesus.
This was our last group picture taken with her, took it the week before she passed.
I can't imagine the feeling to be kissing your love and know that it will be one of the last times to kiss her here on earth.
This was the day before the funeral. We were at Memaw and Papa's house. That smell ya know?? That was my "Memaw's" smell :-) I miss it...
What love ♥
I wore her hat to the funeral. And us girls all wore yellow and sunflowers, her favorite flower (mine too!) :-)
Her Legacy lives on in each of us in some way :-)
It was a BEAUTIFUL ending to such a wonderful womans earthly chapter. The funeral was on Tuesday and we still had church that night. Came outside after the service to see the sky like this...Memaw was looking down for sure! The beauty of her face in heaven, was reflected in the evening sky. Thank you Lord for that last look at my Memaws beautiful smile :-)
Bethanie's birthday was the 30th of June so it was definitly a tuff one for her this year. But the sweet thing was, she got her birthday card from Memaw early (we LOVE our cards from Memaw). It was nice to have that last memory even after the fact :-) June marked the beginning of things and the ending of others and made us all realize that nothing on this earth lasts forever.
It may sound cheesy, but living the truth of the Bible, that we aren't promised tomorrow or even the next second, living life RIGHT NOW IS in fact, your finale, and it is definitly the way I want to do it :-)
July 2010
July 4th the VFW (Very Fine Women) were formed :-D If you haven't heard of us that just goes to show you how covert we are :-P
That was one fun night!
Beth and I go to the Nursing Home with Papa frequently on Thursday mornings. A couple times, after the nursing home we'd go to the commisary on base with him and do some grocery shopping. Usually these trips are accompanied with stories, I LOVE his stories! :-)
Swim time with the babies was one of my fav things during July :-) Klara looked like a little frog haha.
Pop's windsheild where a big bird smashed right into it! Whew!! Just another story to add to his collection.
We were able to do a little edjucating this summer as well! Took Davis to the orpheum to see Back to the Future, she had NEVER seen it!! lol These kids these days... :-P
The Wall of Signatures in the Art Hut at the JCC where we worked this summer :-) It was an interesting job with interesting people. Just thanking the Lord I was able to have a job for the summer!!
Tyler quit his Valet job at the end of July. It was a much needed job for the time that he worked it and we thank the Lord for it, but we were also VERY thankful when he was able to leave it lol. We were able to save save save in our piggy bank bc of that job for our summer vacation which ended up being the best trip we've had yet!
August 2010
It. Was. HOT. in Memphis! lol
AND, I finally got a...
...CAR!!! BAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!! :-D Oh I was SO happy!! Thank you James & Tessa!! It was a HUGE answer to prayer :-)
Swim time continued, lots of fun to be had at the pool :-)
Poor Tyler accidentally threw away his Mario lunchbox while taking out the trash one day. Best part is he didn't even realize it until AFTER he got home from work!
Looks pretty new right?? Thaaat's bc it IS lol. The same week Tyler threw away his lunchbox, I destroyed our bathroom shower curtian lol. So, we had to buy a new one! That was along week, we had sooo many things go wrong that week!
One of my BF's got engaged! Kris! :-) The ring is gorgeous!!
They had a lovely engagement dinner at Texas De Brazil and it was YUMMY!! :-)
We kept going to the nursing home to visit Pop. He talks about Memaw frequently when teaching the elderly. Some things he says about her he doesn't say anywhere else. It's been a wonderful thing to be able to be there with him, seeing him in one of his ministries and hearing the special things he says about Memaw ♥
FINALLY, it was vacation time!! We could NOT wait!!! It had been a pretty ruff year so far and we just couldn't wait to sit in the sun and think about nothing lol. So, we finally dumped out the coin piggy bank and pulled down the money tins and started talleying up!
The Lord blessed greatly and through Tyler's valet job, some photography jobs and savings, we had plenty to go on vacation with :-) And man did we go!
The Keys!
The Everglades!
Ponde Vedra Beach! (in Jacksonville where my Aunts Condo is, THANK YOU SO MUCH AUNT NANA AND UNCLE CHRIS FOR LETTING US USE IT EACH SUMMER!!! ♥ y'all!)
CoCoa Beach! (Tyler didn't fly down until Tuesday I think bc of a test he had to be in town for on Monday. I was SO HAPPY to see him!! lol :-)).
Key West!
Meeting some of Tyler's Fam in Satelite Beach!
TYLER locking the keys in the car in Satelite Beach lol. Thank goodness for Roadside Assistance!
We always leave a picture something each year we're at the condo, this year is our fav by far! We found the tray at the local Target on clearance for $5 and we found the Guest book in Key West and couldn't resist! We love it!! Thanks again Aunt Nana and Uncle Chris :-)
And then, we finally made it home! Long week, traveled much, home again home again! We had a great time and the Lord really blessed us with what we were able to do. Already planning this years trip!
Sadly, when we got back, reality hit and the beard had to go :( BOOOO! lol But, so says ROTC *sighs* But I love it, and I love him :-)
August was a renewing month for us. We got to relax, float away and see some sights and it DEF was a burst we needed to make it through the end of the year lol! Especially since the job I had lined up for when we got back from vacation didn't end up working out!
September 2010
Sept. 11th ~ CAP "Land of the free and the Home of the Brave"
Tyler and I decided to just go for it and check out some flavors at Sonic we had been debating for a LONG time lol :-P
Babysat both littles for a bit one day lol. That was fun :-D
Dress shopping trying to find one for Kristens wedding lol.
So I was cleaning out some of my old stuff and realized I needed a flat bed, lol, buuuut I didn't have one. So, I made one! Took 2 dollies and a box of belts and bam! lol :-D
We had a baby shower for Tessa & James Pettis :-)
Little Autumn is here now and is a sweet little angel!
So, we took Papa to the Delta Fair lol, said he hadn't been in 40-something years. Bet it's changed a bit since then lol. Automatically KNEW we had to do one of these old timey booths!
It was so much fun!
I also had entered some photo's and placed in 2 of the catergories!
Yay me! :-)
Tyler got some tickets to Disney on Ice so of COURSE, we called up Jael and Grace to see if they wanted to go with us :-) Had a really fun time!
September was a fun month. I love the fall and the weather was def starting to change in Memphis!
October 2010
Things just kept growing in October!
Our 1 yr Anniversary rolled around! Still can't bellieve it!
I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with this guy ♥ I still get like a giggly little school girl when I talk about him :-P When it happens, you just know, and I knew! When you wait on the Lord, it will always be much, MUCH more than you could have ever have hoped for :-)
Well, we didn't have any money to do anything given the fact that I was (still am) out of a job, but my parents gave us a gift card to applebee's so we went there for an anniversary dinner :-) Thank you Mom and Dad! :-)
This was my fav thing of our anniversary! I made an anniversaries scrapbook. Each year, we'll add a page that we do together of that years anniversary ♥ Pretty fantastic if I do say so myself! I can't wait until our 10th year when we sit down to put the 10 year Anniversary page in and then start looking back at years past...
I'm going to grow old with you ♥ And I can't wait!
Had a fall festival at church, I dressed up as Papa and Bethanie dressed up as Dad!! Bahahaha!!
Took the babies to Zoo Boo :-) Had ALOT of fun!
Went to Screen on the Green in Collierville with the babies and watched Monsters Inc :-)
Took some GREAT photo's of the babies :-)
All in all, October was a fun and fast paced month. The Lord just kept on blessing Tyler and I. Even though I was still without a job, Tyler was only working 15-20 hrs a week due to school and ROTC, the Lord provided and we haven't gone without!
Novemeber 2010
I was finally able to convince Bonnie to let me take this pic!! "Fattie Mattie" is what I call Klara lol (Skinnie Minnie is what I have always called Reese). There's a restaraunt in Millington called Fattie Matties and I've been DYING to take her pic in front of it and finally got too!
HP 7 part 1!! Part 2 better knock our socks off lol
Got to hang out at Denise and Kens for a bit, was nice to visit :-)
Spent the night with Pop the Saturday Night before Old Fashioned Sunday :-) Played a card game and ate a good breakfast!
I love Old Fashioned Sunday! One reason being bc I get to wear my moms dress :-P The one she wore the night my parents got engaged! I love it and I'm glad they let me wear it lol
We went to Blythville Thanksgiving morning to visit Tyler's grandparents :-)
Then we came back and when to my parents house for a late Thanksgiving meal of my fav, leftovers!
Something we LOVE doing is Black Friday shopping!! Oh we love it love it love it! This year, most the deals weren't that great. But it's still fun getting out in the hustle of things to kick off the rest of the holiday season! We camped outside Target this year lol. As you can see, it was quite the expierence!
While cleaning out some more of my old stuff, I kept piling all my old pics in a big bucket. Once that got full, I used a grabge bag. ALL of these pics are FILM camera photo's lol. That's right! Even have a few undeveloped rolls I found! And yes, I do plan on getting them developed :-P
We have so very much to be thankful for! God's provisions during this hard financial time for us has just blown us away! One person who has helped us tremendously would be Tyler's Mother. She has been so wonderful and we really are so blessed and grateful for everything she has done for us! God has shown his hand through many others in our lives as well, but I don't want to get ahead of myself :-P
December 2010
Helped Dad out at a Youth activity at the church, we played Underground church. It was alot of fun and I really hope the kids caught the real message of the evening.
Surprised Pop and showed up at the nursing home with a gang of us :-D
Had an EARLY Christmas get together with Micheal & Cece at our annual place, Nagasaki!
Jamie & Scott's Annual Christmas Party :-) We always have so much fun!
Tyler & I got a free pic with Santa! My best friends dad plays Santa every year, love that guy!
This was Tyler's gift to his brother, Tim LOL He came up with it all on his own!
Christmas Sunday! Top pic, me and beth did the sound effects for the play :-P LOL
Christmas day was nice this year :-) Tyler and I had our Christmas when we got up, then we went to his moms for a bit then out to my folks to start our new tradition!!! Had alot of fun!
This was my gift from Tyler!! :-D It's a whale (like the peacock he got me for my bday). TOO CUTE!!!!
We were finally able to go and we had SO MUCH FUN! Despite the sicklyishness of everyone, the Lord blessed and off we went!
It was so great to be able to see everyone up there!!
Miss everyone so much!!
The Lord knocked our socks off with Christmas this year!! We were SO blessed in SO many ways!
The Lord sent a few people our way that blessed and we just want to say THANK YOU again, you all know who you are :-) Wrapping up 2010 in Indiana was without a doubt, THE best! My mom was just so happy to be home and we were all just so excited that we were there. We were able to see just about everyone too. Those we missed we will DEF try to catch next time and hopefully next time won't be another 4 or 5 years!
It was of course, a bitterswet Christmas this year. The winds of change blew in. Memaw's laughter and squeal wasn't heard by our earthly ears, but I know in our hearts we all heard her each time we watched someone open a gift. But time does bring change, and that's ok :-) As long as we don't forget.
It was what I call our "Limbo" year. We're all grown up and going our seperate ways. We all have our own priorities and families to take care of. We get together when we can, but like it or not, change blew in and didn't blow out. Next year things will continue to settle into the new "Norm", and I for one, can't wait to celebrate in it!! :-)
So here we are...
January 2011
Spent New Years at my sister Jamie's house, it was a pj party :-) We all had ALOT of fun!
2011 is only a few days old and already God has been at work. He has already blessed and I KNOW it's only the beginning. So dispite the devils best attempts, me being jobless, $less and all, I am completely content with life :-) And so with my hand clasped in my Saviour's, and my cheek next to yours,
This is where you can find me...
...in 2011 :-)
loved the recap and wish i had the discipline to keep up with my blog... i'm great at starting them but horrible at keeping up with them! i feel so blessed to count you guys amongst my closest friends and i was so happy to remember the times we got to share in 2010... hopefully there will be many more in 2011!
ReplyDeleteLove you girl!
We'll soon see how much discipline I've got this year with keeping up with this blog! lol
ReplyDeleteAnd Ditto Ditto Ditto my friend :-) You & Michael have been one of those "Handfuls on Purpose" for us (just in case you don't know that reference, it's from the story of Ruth & Boaz in the Bible, Ruth 2:16 I believe. Ruth & Boaz's love is a reflection of God's love for us. Just like Boaz told his servants to leave handfuls of wheat on purpose for Ruth to glean, God sometimes gives us little "handfuls on purpose" in our lives.):-) We ♥ you guys!!